Case study: cryptobar campaign

Notable ICO that have worked with us are Simple Token, DMarket, NAGA, DreamTeam, ConnectJobs and

Example campaign

Every ICO and Campaign is different and results shared in this brief are not meant to be construed as typical or guaranteed. The information shared is part of a multifaceted, wholistic campaign and contributed to a portion of the raise, not the entire amount. Below is strictly an example of past ICO campaign performance implementing CryptoBar.

Objective: Generate extreme awareness and drive traffic to build investor base for the ICO.
Campaign Timeframe: 1 month (November – December)
Campaign Budget: $100K

Campaign assets:

  • Standard IAB Units (300×250, 728×90, 300×600)
  • CryptoBar


  • The example campaign ran from 11/17/2017 – 12/15 2017
  • $60,000 of budget was spent on standard display (300×250, 728×90, 300×600) with an average CTR of .08%, 5550 clicks, and an average eCPC of $12.46
  • $40,000 of budget was spent on CryptoBar with an average CTR of 1.23%, 19,201 clicks and an average eCPC of $2.09


  • ICO exceeded goal by an additional 50%
  • Amount Raised: >$45MM