Tough Choice: Facebook Ads or AdWords?

By CHECKusMediaGroup September 30, 2016

If you are working with PPC campaigns and want to be successful, you will use Google Adwords or Facebook Ads for sure. Google is processing over 40K searches during every second, while Facebook is the top hub for around 1.1 billion active users, both providing a huge opportunity to reach your customer. There is no better choice for the PPC campaign as to work with these two platforms. But which one to choose? That’s much harder to decide.

How about the processes? Are the similar or different? Just a few questions, but all the advertisers have to answer them at the beginning of their campaign or otherwise they can not count on the benefits, these platforms provide.

So? Which one?

Firstly you have to understand the major difference between ads through AdWords and the Facebook ads. Naturally the basic difference is in the users. AdWords users are looking for any kind of information they put into it, while Facebook collects people with focus on specific interest. 

But there are even more differences, which make both platforms unique and you can take advantage of them. Neither is absolutely better or worse. Both have pros and cons. If you budget allows it, use both. If not, experiment with them to see, which one provides you better ROI.

Here are some tips:

  1. Optimizing AdWords improves quality score too.
  2. Connect AdWords to Google Analytics and measure close to the money.
  3. Try more advanced optimization tactics on Google AdWords.
  4. Plan the structure of your account / campaigns, segment your data and be aware of your options because Google might not always recommend what works best.
  5. Monitor and analyze the competition with your auction insights report, A/B test different offers and focus on testing for high-level learnings.
  6. Connect Facebook ads to Google Analytics for the purpose of measuring the impact on on-site metrics.
  7. Get the basics of optimizing your targeting and ad design right before trying more advanced optimization tactics.
  8. A/B testing can get complicated quickly on Facebook, so be organized from the beginning.

Still confused?

  1. Looking for superior targeting? Facebook.
  2. Looking for higher intent traffic? AdWords.
  3. Is your industry small and you need a wider reach? Facebook.
  4. Want a wider range of ad types? AdWords.
  5. Want to try retargeting? Facebook.

But there is always a helping hand from CHECKus Media Group, which can set everything for you. Just ask our experts and let’s surf the wave of popularity.

  Useful tips
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