Quality Score – Learn more and take advantage of it!

By CHECKusMediaGroup December 28, 2015

Today  we will take a look on the Quality Score, how it works and how you can take advantage of it. I believe that everyone of you has ever tried any kind of ads on the internet and was interested in results of  the respective campaign. If your campaign was focused on clicks, you wanted to know how many click you really received for a pre-set budget.

The major elements to determine your results are:

  1. Expected clickthrough rate (CTR)
  2. Ad relevance
  3. Landing page


Naturally, here are expected ad groups or keywords with the highest CTR. Your task at the beginning is to find or determine a highly relevant keyword to match with the query of users. It is recommended to split your keywords into narrower, systematic groups that can be more effectively tied to individual ad campaigns.

If the CTR of your keyword is low, subqsequently with a low ad CTR (below 1.5%), this should indicate a warning for you that it does not match with users‘ query and you should adapt your ads more according to the major topic.

Moreover, try to use multiple ad texts, no more than 30 keywords in ad groups and take an advantage of all your ad extensions.

As for keywords, they start at a Quality Score of 6. If it does not move or even drops below 6, get rid o fit.

Ad relevance

On the Display Network you are provided with different bidding options, and the elements contributing to your Quality Score there are about to depend on which one you choose.  If the campaign is using a CPM model, Quality Score is based on your landing page’s quality, but if it uses CPC bidding, historical CTR of the ad and the landing page quality are the factors considered.

Landing page

Google mentions three major factors for the landing page relevance: relevant and original content, transparency, and navigability.  As for the content, I believe you are the one who knows exactly what is original/relevant in your case (as this is highly individual) with all the keywords picked there, but the transparency is often misunderstood. Here it is recommended to explain your product, show its advantages before luring the user to fill the form and provide you with his information.

As for the navigability, you should have easy-navigable website (also on mobile sites), as your potential clients don’t want to spend the entire day searching for any specific button or information.

Besides these three factors, you should do your best to keep your clients on your website as long as you can for not picking your competitors with faster-loading websites.

As for an account level of the Quality Score, you have to think about i tas an algorithm. If Google does not know how the ad text will work with this keyword, they could take a look at the avertiser across the account and is the performance good or worse than average, and based on that they can set a base level Quality Score.

  Optimization, Useful tips
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